Collector Interview: Paige Backstage
Posted on August 07 2017
We first got to know Paige after going down a YouTube rabbit hole and discovering her refreshing vinyl videos and reviews, on her channel Paige Backstage. Paige exudes a clear joy for new music and the local Toronto music scene, but what stands out the most in Paige's videos is both her enthusiasm for music and her absolute disregard for the vinyl-loving, lady-hating trolls out there. Way to go Paige! You can also follow Paige on Instagram @paigebackstage.
Paige has a set of 4 genre dividers ( Local, Favorites, Now Spinning and New Arrival) in her growing vinyl collection, plus two custom dividers. Paige explains, "My record dividers are great for separating out things that I might forget about among the shelves. Having my local records separate reminds me to find new local acts to support, and having the subscription records out gets me to look through and actually see which ones I do and don't want. It just makes it feel more personal and real, less like a bunch of records all crammed together on a shelf. They're all my children."
Size of your collection:
Somewhere between 250-350 (I'm too scared to count and find out it's more than that)
Current top 3 albums:
The Maine, Pioneer, 2011
The 1975, I Like It When You Sleep For You Are So Beautiful Yet So Unaware Of It, 2016
Microwave, Much Love, 2016
Favorite or biggest music genre in your collection:
My favourite genre is probably alt rock/emo, but I think my collection is mainly pop records right now!
Best party album:
Best party album...I'm going with a trick answer. My Gorillaz singles collection, because everyone loves at least one Gorillaz single and they love looking through all the included artwork too.
Best album to listen to alone:
Ben Howard's "I Forget Where We Were" is one of my all time fave records to spin alone while it's raining. Very specific mood for an extremely good album.
Last record you purchased:
Boston Manor's "Be Nothing". I knew they only had a couple copies left before they were completely out, so I think my enthusiasm upon finding one at their show scared their merch guy. But it's a beautiful split pressing, half white and half clear blue.
Album you're in search of:
I will do literally anything to get a pressing of The Maine's "Forever Halloween".
Give us a breakdown of your collection: how much is used vs how much is new?
My collection is probably 80% new to 20% used. I have some of my used records from my parents, and then a handful from flea markets. A lot of the records I want are for bands that are releasing them currently, so I haven't put a lot of time into my vintage collection. Yet.
How long have you been collecting records? How did you get into it?
I've been collecting for about 5 years now. I worked for a major label in Canada and it was like a free for all. Managers had accounts where they could just order whatever records they wanted as ~promo copies~... so if I helped them with projects, sometimes they'd let me use their accounts to order things. I guess I got into collecting out of convenience and then quickly became obsessed with finding every pressing of every album I've ever loved.
Where do you hunt for vinyl?
Toronto's got a bunch of cool record shops, which is lucky. I spend a lot of time browsing at Sonic Boom or Kops. I have big dreams of opening my own record store, but it'll probably never happen. I'm also a fan of vinyl subscription services. I think it's cool to have someone else pick records based on your tastes, as long as they aren't just trying to unload certain records. When the thought and effort is there, it's awesome.
How do you organize your collection?
I'm all over the place in terms of organization. My used records are in crates because it felt like the appropriate way to honour them as longtime members of the community. They're all alphabetical. Then my new records are alphabetical on a Kallax shelf! My favourites from both categories are separated out with my Koeppel Design dividers, along with local records and my subscription records. Anyone else would think it was a mess, but for me it's like having a desk covered in papers but knowing where everything is.
Plans for the future:
I keep saying I'm waiting until I move out of home to buy a new turntable (my mom bought me mine and it feels rude to replace it in front of her face), but if I don't switch it out soon, men on the internet are going to eat me alive. You'd think I burned their house down with the comments I get about my Crosley *insert thunderclap noise*. Once I move out, I'm getting my own home office with a section devoted to my records and a new turntable/speaker setup. If you have recommendations, please share them with me.