Collector Interview: Shashank B.

Posted on March 12 2019

Our first interview of 2019 is with Shashank, a classic rock fan who is currently focusing on building his collection, and has been collecting since 2011. Shashank organizes his collection with a set of our 3 panel A-Z record dividers. As you may notice in the accompanying photos, Shashank has a very unique leather bag designed over the course of 6 months, designed by him!

"I’m currently working in San Francisco at Pinterest. I’m originally from Chennai, India and have been living in the Bay Area for the last 5 years. Work aside, I spend my time listening to music, doodling on my iPad, trying to design card games, reading science fiction, playing sports or hanging out with my friends".

You can check out some of his inspiration on Pinterest

Size of your collection: 

How do you organize your collection?
I group my records by the last name of the artist, Alphabetically.

What album/artist are you listening to right now?
I’m currently listening to the artist ‘Kishi Bashi’ and the OST of the movie ‘The Graduate’.

How long have you been collecting records?
How did you get into it? I’ve been collecting records since late 2011 ever since a friend introduced me to Vinyl. It’s very easy to open up Amazon or walk up to a store in San Francisco to a record store, however I make it a point to only buy my records from local stores and always only when visiting a new country/city. I picked up the ‘Wish you were here’ album by Pink Floyd at an underground store in Hong Kong!

Best album to listen to when you’ve had a rough week:
Pink Floyd or Daft Punk. Mostly spinning The Dark Side of The Moon or Wish You we’re Here AND I love Daft Punk - Random Access Memories or Discovery.

Last record you purchased:
Guardians of the Galaxy - awesome mix volume 2

Where do you hunt for vinyl?
Amoeba Music or Rooky Ricardo’s