Record Pairing: Sault 5 + Poke Sault-y Chips
Posted on September 23 2020
The Feel-Good Pairings Project is designed to help us share the ways we’re all coping and trying to feel good in these strange times. I'll be sharing contributions from friends, clients and people I admire. Each project includes a record and pairing from different contributors, plus an organization that they’re supporting in these troubling times. Helping others feels really good, and one of the best ways we can support our communities when we can’t be together physically!

Submission #2 from DJ Platurn (@platurn) & Michelle Kitagawa (@stellarmich) and Clyde (@clydethepoodle)
Pairing: Sault 5 + Recipe for Poke Sault-y Chips
Location: East Bay
What organization are you supporting right now?
National Lawyers Guild
Sault, Five, Side A, 2019
Place Sault - Five record on turntable and drop needle. Now you are ready to prepare this dish. I would describe this Sault album as crisp and fresh. The Poke Sault-y Chips is the perfect compliment. Summer is here and while on lockdown it's imperative to keep things interesting, unique, and creative. Enjoy!
Combine the following ingredients in a medium glass bowl:
1/2lb ahi grade tuna diced
1/4 English cucumber peeled seeded and finely diced
1/4 avocado finely diced and fold it in gently
In another small glass bowl:
1.5 tbsp tamari
1 tsp toasted sesame oil
1 tbsp ginger rice wine vinegar
1 finely chopped scallion
Whisk ingredients together and let sit for five minutes. Pour the sauce over the tuna, avocado, and cucumber. Gently fold with a spatula. Garnish with sesame seeds. Plate and serve with your favorite salty potato chips for the perfect sault-y bite.